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March 5, 2008 Workshop Minutes
Board of Finance Budget Workshop Minutes of March 5, 2008

Present – BOF members were – Noreen Farmer, Jack Mannette, Bob Little, Jason Bowsza, JoAnn Kubick and Alternate, Kathy Pippin.

Absent - Marie DeSousa, Leo Szymanski – Absent.

Present – BOS members were – Denise Menard, Gilbert Hayes, Mark Simmons.
Absent - Dale Nelson, Ed Farrell.

Present – Police Commission members were Cliff Nelson, Linda Sinsigallo, Richard Sherman, Lorraine Devanney, Jim Barton.  As well as Chief DeMarco and Captain Roger Hart.

The meeting was called to order by Noreen Farmer, Chairperson, at 7:32p.m. She reminded Board members to take good notes in order to review during the decision making process of the budget. She suggested that no merit discussion take place and if clarity was necessary to ask any pertinent questions as the presentation presents itself.  

Chief DeMarco and Captain Hart, presented the budget of the Police Department and Animal Control program.

The discussions ended with a request for Chief DeMarco to look into other Towns that may be utilizing part-time dispatchers and forward information to the Board of Finance.  It was also requested that the Chief look into items included in the “Other” line item and determine if there were existing accounts that would be appropriate for the funds.  If not new line items will be created in order to clarify the use of the funds.

Cliff Nelson, Chair of the Police Commission present the budget request for the Police Commission.

Motion to adjourn the Budget Workshop presentation was made by JoAnn Kubick at 9:27 p.m and seconded by Noreen Farmer.

Respectfully Submitted,

Noreen Farmer
Chair, BOF


Board of Finance Budget Workshop Minutes of February 27, 2008

Present – BOF members were – Noreen Farmer, Marie DeSousa, Jack Mannette, Bob Little, Jason Bowsza, JoAnn Kubick and Alternate, Kathy Pippin. Alternate, Leo Szymanski – Absent.

Present – BOS members were – Denise Menard, Gilbert Hayes, Dale Nelson, Mark Simmons and Ed Farrell.

Present – BOE members were John Pica-Sneedan, William Raber, Wade Signor, Leslie Hunt and William Schultz. Absent were Terri Willingham, Judith Rajala, JoAnne Holigan and Lynn Stanley.

The meeting was called to order by Noreen Farmer, Chairperson, at 7:34p.m. She gave her opening remarks by first welcoming everyone who took the time to come out this evening. She explained that the BOF meetings do not allow public participation but that any comments, concerns or questions could be forwarded either by mail to the town hall or via our new e-mail address, She encouraged the audience to do so. She also directed to the panel to take good notes in order to review during the decision making process of the budget. She suggested that no merit discussion take place and if clarity was necessary to ask any pertinent questions as the presentation presents itself.

Tim Howes, Superintendent of Schools, presented the Board of Education budget. Material provided to the public were the special meeting or critical task time and date list, 25 page package – Budget Presentation Outline and a 17 page package – Supplemental Presentation Information. (see attached). Tim Howes called upon Diane Dugas, Curricular Director, Carol Fox, Special Education Director, David Chambers, High School Principle, James Slattery, Middle School Principle and Jeanne McCarroll, Broad Brook Elementary School Principle to take part in the presentation in regards to their area of expertise regarding the proposed new initiatives.

The discussions ended with two requests for additional documentation to be provided; a.) Summary of Data for the Broad Brook School and B.) Current issues concerning (NEASC) the New England Association of Schools & Colleges. Both of these documents are said to be readily available for distribution to the BOF.

Motion to adjourn the Budget Workshop presentation was made by Kathy Pippin at 10:10p.m. and seconded by Marie E. DeSousa.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marie E DeSousa
Secretary, BOF
